•Paper towels, toilet paper, Bar Soap, Dawn, Lysol toilet cleaner, Ajax, Fabuloso, Disinfectant Spray and wipes, Scrub Sponges, Fabric Softener, Landry Detergent, Toothbrushes, Shaving Cream
•Prayer request cards (Drop box will be provided for cards)
•Blessing Box will be available 24/7, Totes that will hold extra paper Towels and Toilet paper will be available Tuesdays from 6 pm - 8 pm and Thursdays from 9:30 am – 11:30 am (Will be available August 1 st 2023)
•Items will be added as needed and can be seen on the Church Facebook Page (Lewistown-Trinity United Methodist Church)
The Lewistown Trinity UMC
United Christian Services
Blessing Box
Items in Blessing Box